
How Cloud-based Virtual Training Can Help You Drive Digital Transformation

By: David Hand, VP of DevOps Sales at Orasi Software

As organizations realize the value and competitive advantages of an agile business model, customer responsiveness, and resilience, they are embracing digital transformation of their existing technology and processes with confidence.

Driving transformation through training

Digital transformation cannot be turned on with a switch. Digital transformation should become part of your organization’s culture and influence how your employees work, create, and plan.  For this to happen, organizations need to design training roadmaps for their employees and partners that encourages adoption of digital transformation. But thinking of executing training programs during a pandemic can seem like an impossible goal. The distributed workforce model is still in operation, and it could be a while before enterprises fully open the doors to their buildings or offices. The need for training remote employees efficiently and at scale is key for organizations that want to move towards digital transformation.

Train – the virtual way

Instituting a virtual training program for your employees and partners would be a solid solution to helping create a digital transformation culture. Cloud-based virtual training solutions can be just the right solution to help you.

  1. Train your employees at scale without incurring high costs.
  2. The train from anywhere and anytime model allows for flexibility and efficiency.
  3. Suitable solutions ensure that student engagement and knowledge retention do not decrease if training is held in a traditional classroom environment. In fact, the opposite could be true.
  4. Readymade templates and great design blueprints allow trainers to communicate even the most complex of concepts in fun, fluid, and interactive formats for the students.
  5. The self-paced and collaborative nature of virtual training solutions helps both the instructors and students.
  6. The hands-on nature of virtual training ensures that there are no gaps in the learning process.

Virtual is becoming the norm

Statistics from a recent Training Industry’s report support companies’ increased investment in virtual learning technologies:

  • Virtual conferencing (53 percent)
  • Virtual IT labs (35 percent)
  • Augmented reality (16 percent)
  • Gamification (14 percent)

Respondents also indicated their key benefits to virtual training are:

  • Self-service training (38 percent)
  • Better automation (16 percent)
  • Cost control (15 percent)
  • Channel management (15 percent)
  • Robust analytics (9 percent)

32 percent of responding companies were already using virtual IT labs in their learning and development program. And now, cloud-based virtual training solutions have proven to accelerate digital transformation within an organization.

Employees and partners can now easily learn the new features, technologies, and processes that facilitate digital transformation. Organizations can keep moving closer towards hitting the ‘reset’ button and reaping the benefits digital transformation can deliver.

Laura Armistead

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