Create realistic, consistent, and reusable hands-on learning environments with cloud-based software application training labs.
Easy-to-setup . Easy-to-access . Easy-to-integrate
Onsite . Virtual . Hybrid . On-demand
Hands-on training with no setup needed; requires only a browser and Internet connection
Customizable interface with your brand, logo, and company name
Easy contact with an instructor via chat, email, or hand-raise for assistance
Automatically send registration emails with individual access information and a link to test connectivity
Quick access to additional files and class materials
User sandboxes and picture-in-picture views for interactive training
Over-the-shoulder view to monitor the activity of the entire class in one view
Take control of learner’s environment to provide additional instruction or assistance
Use integrated conferencing features or specific collaboration tools of choice (Teams, Zoom, etc.)
Track email invitations, connection tests, and student participation
Easily roll-back or replicate learning environments
Monitor and control cloud charges
Connect OrasiLabs to other tools via interoperable API to provide flexibility and fit into your technology stack
Define usage limits
Create reusable templates created with wizard or drag/drop interface
Define organizational policies to ensure a consistent experience
Control user access with configurable security policies
Fill the gaps in today’s traditional training experience.
Provide easy access to real-world, hands-on environments.
Fit instructor-led, on-demand,
in-person or virtual training
Provide consistent and reusable hands-on training environments
Leverage the power and scalability of AWS with an intuitive interface
Gain access to built-in cost
control and clear
visibility into charges
Monitor and easily control
access with definable security
Integrate your LMS, CRM, or other learning systems’ training activities seamlessly.
Learn how you can take your software applications training to
the next level with OrasiLabs’ cloud-based virtual training labs.