By: Karen Spencer, Area Vice President, OrasiLabs Product Manager

Bigger isn’t better when it comes to virtual training success

Transitioning to the cloud can be complicated and adding virtual application training capabilities for a globally dispersed workforce can send any IT team into a tailspin. While it’s tempting to try and use an existing AWS, Azure or other cloud instance because they “should” have the reach to offer online training environments, “bigger” has proven it isn’t “better.”  

Most companies find that a purpose built, cloud native, hands-on virtual training solution yields greater returns at a lower cost, and offers a far better learning experience for instructors and students. However, many organizations realize that after investing a lot of time, resources and money into trying to “make it work” with a mammoth cloud provider. Key criticisms include:

  • Cloud platforms are too general, difficult to navigate and lack the personal interactions necessary to make them effective – interfaces and capabilities weren’t developed with the virtual hands-on training needs of instructors and learners in mind.
  • If a cloud option can even be configured to address application training, it typically requires technical resources to get it going and maintain it moving forward, which ends up wasting the precious time of many teams/departments.
  • Runaway cloud provider charges unknowingly rack up given a lack of machine control, especially if functionality is not used regularly.

Ultimately, the implementation of targeted virtual hands-on application training solutions for the cloud becomes a balance of performance and investment (e.g., determining if the environment is suitable for the learning needs of instructors and students). Although companies that try the one-cloud-provider-fits-all-needs approach end up back peddling, the emergence of affordable, accessible and scalable cloud native training solutions make it easy to rebound.

Purpose-built cloud-based virtual application training platforms like OrasiLabs empower organizations to take immediate advantage of essential learning and system management components. The results are easy to measure:

  1. Time savings for trainers and learners, as well as IT staff.
  2. Wider training impact without geographical limitations.
  3. High functionality, flexibility and scalability.
  4. Consistent, value-driven quick addition of skills leading to increased productivity.
  5. Maximum ROI for software budgets and IT projects.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that you shouldn’t have to abandon an existing cloud account in order to partner with a cloud-native virtual training provider. Often, previously established accounts have already been negotiated (and leveraging them is convenient), so complementing that cloud set-up with an eLearning lab partner that allows for the use of a pre-existing cloud account makes good sense. However, if you don’t have one, seek out a cloud-native virtual training provider that offers the capability to use theirs. 

Orasi is available to guide you through the implementation of cloud-based virtual application training solutions. Contact OrasiLabs to learn more about how it’s driving software adoption and retention, increasing ROI and training/development confidence, and reducing human and technology costs associated with delivering effective virtual application training.