Just about anyone can use a virtual training lab to enhance their own skills or impart education to someone. This includes students of all ages, advanced technical educators, technical upgradation for employees, customers, and users of a product that might need training, etc.
Virtual training labs can be very cost-effective, reducing the expenditure on training by a margin of 30 to 70%! * The diversity for which virtual training labs are used is exhaustive as well. It can cover core scientific as well as non-scientific subjects. Hence the coverage is widespread.
A virtual training lab combines the latest technology with convenience factors like flexibility and engagement of e-learning. The combination gets relevant to many types of learners.
Some examples of groups benefiting from virtual training lab concept are:
School students at all levels, College and University students, Science doctorate level students and researchers, employees and workers in a technical/semi-technical industry, customers of a technical product, customers of a new innovative product in the market which requires special skill to operate, teachers using the virtual training lab and so on.