By: David Hand, VP of DevOps Sales at Orasi Software

IT departments in any size organization allocate a considerable portion of their annual budgets towards software. Sometimes software needs to be deployed in a rush to show bottom-line benefits and success. Though, no matter how great a software solution is, its litmus test rests on its ability to deliver outcomes to the end-user. If an end user does not get the benefits from the software as promised by the salesperson, the entire investment and exercise can become futile. But there’s hope as training can help end users develop the skills and know-how to use software and derive the true value from it.

How End User Training Can Change the Outcome?

Product training can be accessible regardless of geography or time zone. It should be easy to roll out, engaging, contextual, and based on how end users’ will leverage the software in their day-to-day activities. By the end of the training program, users should feel empowered and understand how the software enables them to do their job more efficiently and effectively.

That’s precisely why leveraging a robust cloud-based hands on lab solution makes sense here. With the right set of tools, virtual lab solutions ensure that training is flexible, cost- effective, and a positive experience for the student.

With hands on virtual labs, organizations can experience:

  1. User adoption with minimal reluctance
  2. Context-based training
  3. Increased end user comprehension and confidence
  4. Up-skilling and reskilling a workforce at scale, regardless of level of tech-literacy
  5. Faster end user onboarding ROI on software investments
  6. Minimum disruptions to work processes

Hands-on virtual training should complete the loop from sales to training to create results for the user organization. Starting training early to get in front of any learning curve can transform how the user perceives and derives value from any software investment.

So, start adding more impact and end-user buy-in for the software. Make it work for the day-in-the-life-of-a-user scenario. Then, when you do it through a robust cloud tool, you do it intelligently and cost effectively with maximum elasticity and flexibility.