Why Now is the Best Time to Train?
People need new skills. People are ready to learn. If you do not continue training, your business may fall behind and lose your competitive advantage.
Remote Learning During COVID-19: How HR Can Manage Remote Employees’ L&D
Don’t let COVID-19 press pause on employee development. Leverage remote learning tools to deliver uninterrupted training to your employees. In this article, we discuss five resources to aid learning and development during COVID-19, with exclusive insights from David Hand, VP of Orasi, on the remote learning trend.
OrasiLabs Advances Virtual Application Training for Instructors, Students
DIGITAL JOURNAL – Orasi Software, a leading DevOps technology and consulting firm, today announced OrasiLabs, an engaging new training environment for software application instructors and students at independent software vendors and companies.
OrasiLabs Advances Virtual Application Training for Instructors, Students
TRAINING INDUSTRY – Orasi Software, a leading DevOps technology and consulting firm, today announced OrasiLabs, an engaging new training environment for software application instructors and students at independent software vendors and companies.
OrasiLabs Advances Virtual Application Training for Instructors, Students
OrasiLabs, the train anyone, anywhere, anytime cloud-based hands-on learning lab solution, announced an engaging new training environment for software application instructors and students at independent software vendors and companies.
Collaborative eLearning Empowers Remote Workers Anywhere, Anytime
EDUCATION DIVE – It’s said you can never step in the same river twice. The constraints of the world in which we now live and work have made that maxim even more pertinent. Employers and employees are being forced to rethink how they do business.