Virtual Training Labs – How to Choose One

Virtual Training Labs – How to Choose One

By: David Hand, VP of DevOps Sales at Orasi Software Today, organizations are shifting from the passive “presentation” training approach to a more engaging hands-on approach. Cloud-based virtual training labs are proven time and time again to help deliver effective...
OrasiLabs Demo

OrasiLabs Demo

Quickly learn how OrasiLabs can transform your virtual training with interactive, hands-on software application training in an easy-to-setup and easy-to-access virtual lab environment. OrasiLabs saves time, reduces overhead costs, and automates processes to simplify...
OrasiLabs Video

OrasiLabs Video

OrasiLabs’ agile and automated approach to delivering hands-on virtual labs helps software vendors and corporations grow training programs and revenue opportunities by quickly training and educating more customers, partners, and employees across a globally distributed...